Buckwheat Cheese Straws

View all RECIPES by 101 Cookbooks

Buckwheat cheese straws never last long when I bake them. They’re tasty, dramatic, butter-kissed and punctuated with baked flecks of melted cheese. To my eye, the toasted cheddar bits look a bit like orange moss – but maybe I’m over-thinking things. After you get the hang of it, these are easy to make. Although, it might take a practice twig or two. The inspiration for this recipe was rye-thyme cheese straw recipe I enjoyed years ago baked from Jerry Traunfeld’s The Herbal Kitchen. Think of these as a distant cousin!

Cheese Straws & Edible Tablescapes

Before we get to the recipe I should also say, another thing I love about cheese straws is all the ways you can display them at the table.

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on 101 Cookbooks

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