Cheesecake Chia Pudding – 3 Ways!

View all RECIPES by Sweet and Savory Meals

Cheesecake Chia Pudding is a healthy, creamy, and delicious recipe, easily made in different flavors, perfect for breakfast or dessert. I love chia pudding, and you can find my classic versions, like Matcha, Mango, and Strawberry, but the addition of cottage cheese, takes it to another level of tasty.

The first chia seed pudding dates back to the Aztecs in 3500 BC. The healthy seed was a staple food with other grains and liquid for porridge or pudding. They were also ground into flour to be used for baking and thickening. In fact, they even made chia seed cakes over the open fire. Often, chia powder was mixed with water for a healthy drink. 

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Sweet and Savory Meals

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