Creamy Sweet Mango Lassi

View all RECIPES by Little Spice Jar

Mango Lassi is a creamy and refreshing yogurt-based drink blended together and slightly sweet. Typically made with fresh or frozen mango, yogurt, and honey or sugar. My mango lassi recipe has a thick and creamy consistency. It’s the perfect refreshing summer drink! 

What a way to cool off!

For as long as I can remember, sweet lassi has always been a staple in our household. Typically, I like to use an extra tangy yogurt, blend it together with lots of ice cubes, a generous pouring of sugar, and some milk to thin it out a smidge. Throw it all in a high-power blender until you’re left with something that’s a milky slushie-like consistency. I may not be doing a good job selling

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Little Spice Jar

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