Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce

View all RECIPES by Picken Plum

Pickled Plum
Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce

Fried noodles are one of the easiest meals to make and pair so well with a simple stir fry! I prepared these noodles with a little soy sauce, garlic, broth, and sesame oil to give them a taste similar to chow mein noodles. Chewy, savory, nutty, and full of umami, I’m always surprised at how much depth of flavor can be achieved with only 8 ingredients!

Weekdays are very busy for many of us. When time seems to be of short supply, I pull out my list of easy-to-make meals because I prefer homemade food over takeout. Not only is it considerably cheaper, it’s also healthier, and 90% of the time, better. And luckily, if I

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Picked Plum

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