Gluten Free Sourdough Discard Crackers

View all RECIPES by The Gluten Free Austrian

Gluten Free Sourdough Discard Crackers are a delicious way to repurpose excess gluten free sourdough starter and reduce food waste. These crackers, made from the discarded portion of a sourdough starter, boast a unique tangy flavor and a satisfying crunch. The crackers can be seasoned and topped with various ingredients, which turns them into a versatile snack or a tasty addition to cheese boards, dips, and appetizers. You may never want to eat storebought crackers again – yes, these gluten free crackers are that good.


Recipe Ingredient Notes

Gluten Free Sourdough Starter: Sourdough discard refers to a portion of the gluten free sourdough starter that is removed and discarded during the feeding process. You can you unfed sourdough discard for this

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on The Gluten Free Austrian

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