Grilled Teriyaki Salmon

View all RECIPES by Cooking with Mima

Grilled Teriyaki Salmon is loaded with flavor thanks to a sweet, tangy homemade teriyaki sauce that’s a cinch to whip up. Once the fish is marinated, the dish is ready in less than 10 minutes. Whether you’re enjoying grilling outdoors or cooking in a grill pan or griddle, you can achieve the same mouthwatering results cooking teriyaki salmon. This marinated grilled salmon recipe is ideal year-round. 

Hailed as a nutritional powerhouse and loaded with heart-supporting omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is a tasty treat for your body and taste buds alike. Not only is salmon a superstar of healthy eating, this marinated grilled salmon recipe is a classic for grilling season. The combination of tangy teriyaki, zesty lime, and the subtle heat from fresh

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Cookin' with Mima

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