Homemade Lemon Vinaigrette: Perfect Everyday Salad Dressing

View all RECIPES by Panning the Globe

Homemade Lemon Vinaigrette – Today, I’m thrilled to share with you a homemade salad dressing recipe that has become a staple in my kitchen. This fresh, zesty, well-balanced lemon vinaigrette is easy to make and versatile enough to dress a wide range of salads. Every home cook needs a great vinaigrette recipe in their repertoire and this one is my favorite.

If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s worth your time or effort to make salad dressing from scratch, give this lemon vinaigrette a try and see what you think. It’s very easy to prepare – just a mix of lemon juice, olive oil, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper – and it will make your salads taste great!

My one and only vinaigrette recipe

I’ve tried lots

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Panning the Globe

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