Nanaimo Bars (Classic Canadian Recipe)

View all RECIPES by Vikalinka

Nanaimo Bars are a classic Canadian three layer holiday treat you will fall in love with! These no-bake chocolate covered bars with a creamy custard filling on a crumbly chocolate coconut base are just waiting to conquer the world the same way as it did its home country! 

Curious to taste another classic Canadian treat? Take a look at our Maple Butter Tarts! Or explore the entire Holiday Dessert Section in Christmas Recipe Collection. 

Do you want one? You do but don’t know what they are? It’s okay go ahead and make them anyway! 

Nanaimo Bars and Butter Tarts are both very Canadian! We wish we could be home with family this holiday season but it’s not in the cards. So instead I

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Vikalinka

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