Refreshing (and Easy!) Watermelon Salad for Hot Summer Days

View all RECIPES by Well Plated

Watermelon Salad a large bowl of refreshing summer watermelon salad

Few dishes are more refreshing than this Watermelon Salad tossed with salty feta, tender mint, creamy avocado, edamame, and simple lime dressing. It’s made for the hottest summer days!

Why You’ll Love This Watermelon Feta Salad Recipe Sweet and Savory. I’ve sipped Watermelon Smoothies and I’ve eaten more slabs of cut watermelon than I can count, but pairing watermelon with savory, salty flavors like feta and red onion? That was a revelation. Think of it as the perfect hybrid between a summery Fruit Salad

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Well Plated

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