Snickerdoodle Zucchini Bread

View all RECIPES by Southern Plate

This easy snickerdoodle zucchini bread recipe makes two loaves of snickerdoodle bread. Each slice is moist, tasty, cinnamon-sweet, and oh-so filling.

Zucchini is a difficult word to spell, let me just start with that. It’s that crazy veggie that everyone grows, knowing full well it will multiply like fishes and loaves come harvest time and we’ll have it running out our ears, which causes us to run for more zucchini recipes. Well boy howdy, I’m here to be your best friend!

This snickerdoodle zucchini bread is pretty simple and straightforward and the recipe makes two loaves. It’s cinnamony, sweet, dense, and moist. If your family balks at the name, just drop the “zucchini” and call it “snickerdoodle bread”. It’s all in how you present

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Southern Plate

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