Strawberry Eclairs Recipe

View all RECIPES by Sweet and Savory Meals

Strawberry Eclairs are a delicious treat filled with homemade strawberry custard, made with real strawberries, and topped with white chocolate. They only take a few minutes to bake, and you can serve these for breakfast or dessert. You can change the pastry cream and the topping as you like, playing with different flavors. These are perfect for Valentine’s Day, along with our VIRAL and FAMOUS Best Strawberry Poke Cake!

A French pastry chef, Marie Antoine Careme, was the first to make these delicious pastries while working for French royalty in the 1800s. He is also known for the Napolean and Charlotte cakes. However, the first recipe showed up in 1884 in the Boston Cooking School Cookbook. 

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Sweet and Savory Meals

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