Strawberry Rhubarb Lattice Pie

View all RECIPES by Good Life Eats

This easy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie is made with a homemade all-butter pie crust and three full pounds of fruit. It’s a simple pie recipe that lets the fresh rhubarb and strawberry really shine!

About this Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

There’s nothing worse than slicing into a fruit pie, only to discover that the filling is skimpy on the fruit — that’s not the case with this spectacular strawberry and rhubarb pie recipe! 

There’s just 1 cup of sugar in the pie filling; enough to offset the sour rhubarb, but not so much that the flavor of the already sweet strawberries gets lost. 

To infuse the filling with even more flavor, I added both orange zest and lemon zest. The pie doesn’t wind up tasting of

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Good Life Eats

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