Very Veggie Mushroom Ravioli

View all RECIPES by Simple Seasonal

Very Veggie Mushroom Ravioli – Although the product of a hard time, this simple, delicious recipe provides a whole lot of comfort and flavor.

Have you ever made something with what was left in your almost-empty refrigerator that ended up being a truly delicious hit? Today’s recipe for Very Veggie Mushroom Ravioli falls into that category for me. Because it’s so easy to make (and delicious), I’ve been meaning to publish it here for quite some time, but it’s actually kind of a sad recipe for me so I’ve been holding off.

Around this time last year I found out that my Nana had end-stage liver disease. At no fault of her own, she had contracted a virus while living overseas

View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Simple Seasonal

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