Whiskey Watermelon Smash Cocktail

View all RECIPES by Dash of Jazz

This watermelon smash cocktail is made with whiskey and fresh summer melon and very simple to create. I love it because it’s surprisingly light for a whiskey drink and evokes all the fun and flavor of summer–for the grown folks, of course! Let’s get into it.

And if you enjoy this recipe, you’ll love my margarita watermelon, too!

[feast_advanced_jump_to] What is a watermelon smash?

A smash drink combines crushed mint and citrus, seasonal fruit, ice and liquor. You can use whichever spirit you like and rotate out the fruit based on availability and ripeness. A watermelon smash, also called the watermelon crush, muddles juicy fresh watermelon and mint together with whiskey, lemon, lots of ice, and a little sweetener.

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View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Dash of Jazz

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