Zeytoon Parvardeh Recipe

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Zeytoon Parvardeh (Persian Marinated Olives), which can be found on the menu of many Persian restaurants, is one of the most famous Iranian condiments that is served with various dishes, especially with all types of kebabs. It comes from Northern Iran, with different tastes; From sour to sweet.



About This Recipe

The origin of this side dish goes back to the Gilan and the city of Rudbar in the north of Iran. Rudbar olives are known for their good quality and taste. Olives are used in different recipes in northern Iran and are a staple ingredient in many local condiments; For example, pickled olives, olive salad, and salted olives. A delicious and nutritious packed side dish that is well paired with Persian cuisine.


View FULL RECIPE. Originally published on Yummy Notes

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